

American Electric Power, one of the nations largest energy companies, is also one of the nations largest economic development authorities. They provide comprehensive support for businesses relocating or expanding in their service area. They also advance economic growth in their communities through customized training and programs. AEP turned to Velociraster to help research and conceptualize an internal iPad application combined with a highs security web based document library to help their staff streamline and improve their communication efforts with area businesses.

User Experience Design

User experience design was of highest importance in this project with a very immediate and measurable goal of improving efficiency of report and document assembly and delivery.


Focus Group Iteration

Taking the time for focus groups is easy to dismiss as a way to trim short term costs, but the long term value form early insights very often reduce long term costs in non-trivial ways.


App Design

Internal productivity apps such as this one typically have different design requirements than your average pubic app. Modern in look, but very direct and to the point. The users are already well trained, which allows for certain complexity reductions.


Web Design

We designed an enterprise grade, secure, document library with web based document editing tools to aid in the overall efficiency of the primary application.


Data Strategy

When isolated teams within enterprise organizations fund new technology to accomplish their goals, typically it is ahead of the curve, and ahead of what IT supports. Knowing the internal limits (legal and IT) of an organization helps us craft property strategies especially when it comes to data use and storage.
